Friday, April 24, 2009

Time to Cut out the Crap?

I go through good and bad weeks as far as healthy food is concerned. There are days when I feel like ingesting crap is the only thing I want to do. Then, weeks (such as this present week) all I want is healthy, light delicious salads, fruits and more natural healthy food. I think this correlates closely with the weather for me. Recently, we've had some sun and much warmer temperatures in Wisconsin. We are slowly coming out of a deep freeze as I witnessed today running around Lake Monona. Needless to say, I'm outside getting more fresh air than I have in the last 4 months, which might help to curb my generally insatiable appetite.

How are you continuing to cut out the crap in diets? It's something I'm definitely striving for and thinking much more consciously about. Sure, I've cut meat and really started to cut back on cheese and dairy, but I'm still eating foods that I know are not good, natural or containing health benefits (think french fries, chips, skittles, peanut butter cups). Certainly I have days that more successful than others... Lately, I've been asking myself, could I make this at home from scratch? If the answer is no, I try not to buy it. However, there are certainly several exceptions that I make in this process. But, my point is, I'm looking much more closely at ingredient lists. If I couldn't make it from home with ingredients I can purchase at a grocery store, it's not worth putting in my body. Though if I'm dying after a long run, my brain and stomach have two very different opinions. Again, a work in process. I also heard someone recommend that if it's a food your great grandmother would not recognize as food, then it's best to steer clear of it.

So, my usual driving forces at the grocery store and restaurants: Is it possible to make this at home based on the ingredient list and would my great grandmother think this is food?

On a side note, can I also add how happy I am that Farmer's Markets are up and running outdoors? This will certainly be helping my healthy cravings I'm experiencing with the warm weather. Nothing like seasonal, local, organic ingredients to make you reconnect with delicious food!

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